Our Partnership
The DFHP is comprised of 11 states with many species populations overlapping in multiple areas. This unique situation requires occasional, regional-local level planning and coordination to address DFHP related issues. The regional groups are broken down into 4 areas; Basin and Range, Lower Colorado, Upper Colorado, and Rio Grande.
Regional Representatives
Jay Thompson
Upper Colorado River
Brandon Senger
Lower Colorado River
Megan Bean
Rio Grande
Jon Sjoberg
Basin and Range
DFHP Coordinator - Jennifer Graves

Jennifer joined the Arizona Fish and Wildlife Conservation Office as the DFHP coordinator after working for a year and a half in the Sacramento River basin with both the US Fish and Wildlife Service at the Red Bluff Office and the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission. There she was involved in monitoring the four runs of Chinook salmon in response to restoration efforts. Prior to that, Jennifer received her MS in Biology at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania where she implemented a long-term monitoring project on the effects of interacting stressors on a population of brook trout. She gained additional native fish experience while working for Trout Unlimited out of Pennsylvania and while completing a senior thesis at Juniata College. Jennifer is passionate about all native fish and is excited to be a part of desert fish conservation in the western U.S. Outside of work, she loves spending time with her dog and cat, hiking, camping, and fly fishing.