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moapa dace apcar box culvert
Apcar project_upstream view of new reinforced concrete box on Moapa Valley NWR
Apcar project_Downstream deteriorated, undersized, 18 inch corrugated metal pipe culvert with 11 per
Alamito Creek perennial pool

At - Large Council 

The DFHP strives to maintain continued interest and support by considering all interested parties as members of an at-large council that will collectively work to accomplish the goals and objectives set forth in the Framework for Strategic Conservation of Desert Fishes.  To this end, the DFHP encourages  individuals, groups, and agencies to participate or provide assistance in implementing our goals, objectives, and strategic actions.  This group will also assist in information exchange and communication among DFHP and partners and provide feedback to the DFHP coordinator and steering committee regarding new opportunities for conservation collaboration and expansion.

Interested in joining our

At-Large Council?

Let us know!

P.0. Box 39 | Pinetop, AZ | 85935 |

Tel: 928-338-4288 ext. 26185 |

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